Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BVSC Effin Rocks.

¿Qué te importa que te ame,si tú no me quieres ya?El amor que ya ha pasadono se debe recordar Fui la ilusión de tu vidaun día lejano ya,Hoy represento al pasado,no me puedo conformar. Si las cosas que uno quierese pudieran alcanzar,tú me quisieras lo mismo que veinte años atrás. Con qué tristeza miramosun amor que se nos va Es un pedazo del almaque se arranca sin piedad

What does my love mean to you if you no longer love me?We should not dwell on love that is past I was your life's desire. One day long ago now I'm history.I can't face the change If only we could make our dreams come true, if only you would love me as you did twenty years ago. How mournfully we watch as our love ebbs away heartlessly as part of the soul is torn away.

cuán hermoso pero yo no me siento esta manera ya.

I love it, but I am glad I don't feel like this anymore.

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