Monday, January 26, 2009


maybe i shouldn't drink so much coffee is
four cups before 10 am too much doesn't
tea have antioxidants in it
blueberries do i used to
like the color blue then all of a
sudden green was my favorite
everyone seems to like the notion of being green
these days maybe
kermit was wrong, maybe its
easy being green but then i
read coffee is good for your health
what about the caffeine maybe
juice or a protein shake? i don't
fucking have time to juice things
do i look like goddamn Martha Stewart?
wait does she own a
what’s that guy's
name with the juicer on those info-mercials?
Jay the Juiceman Juicer Kordich
I would never buy anything
off tv
except that cool bed that you can
jump on and a glass of
wine stays completely still it's
made by goddamn NASA I
wonder if they give those beds
free to astronauts, they get great
healthcare, 401k, and that
bed, imagine what it’s like to
make love on that bed? you could
fuck someone’s brains out and not
spill a glass of wine that’s what the
21st century is about
fucking someone's brains out and not
spilling a single drop of wine
that has antioxidants too I
need to reduce the number of
free radicals in my body before I am
diagnosed with some type of cancer
and I then I will think to myself that I should have been
drinking green tea instead of coffee

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