Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BVSC Effin Rocks.

¿Qué te importa que te ame,si tú no me quieres ya?El amor que ya ha pasadono se debe recordar Fui la ilusión de tu vidaun día lejano ya,Hoy represento al pasado,no me puedo conformar. Si las cosas que uno quierese pudieran alcanzar,tú me quisieras lo mismo que veinte años atrás. Con qué tristeza miramosun amor que se nos va Es un pedazo del almaque se arranca sin piedad

What does my love mean to you if you no longer love me?We should not dwell on love that is past I was your life's desire. One day long ago now I'm history.I can't face the change If only we could make our dreams come true, if only you would love me as you did twenty years ago. How mournfully we watch as our love ebbs away heartlessly as part of the soul is torn away.

cuán hermoso pero yo no me siento esta manera ya.

I love it, but I am glad I don't feel like this anymore.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

at this point....

it is so hard to talk about something that isn't
supposed to be described in words
people thrive on language and emotions and visuals
how do they react when you take that all away?
you can't understand it with your mind
you need to feel it in your body, become it.
don't do this to feel better about yourself
do it because it is the only thing that feels right
among the facade of business as usual.
don't continue just to find out a name
do it to give up every name you have ever learned.

Monday, December 28, 2009

endless cycles
thoughtless actions
you are right, that is too far.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


looking back at old photos
why can't we hit rewind and go back to those
how did i end up here, back at the beginning but without you
it seems like things have gotten so mixed up
why can't we forget and start anew?
where the fuck is the reset button?

I don't remember when I wrote this....

Friday, August 28, 2009

4 leaved love

I look upwards and see
shimmering stars laid in their heavenly bed
It's times like these when I miss you most
When I see sunsets or find peaceful moments
I want you to share them with me
Tonight I glanced at the full August Moon
impressed by its pale glow
I thought of you, like always, and felt a deep
sadness because my hand was cold and empty

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This was a poem that I wrote for Spring Sesshin 09

Roshis calm wind breath
bumble bee can not resist
the dharma dance

Saturday, June 27, 2009

more lyrics

once you've found love you don't know how to find new love

now every new love is just a shadow

--the low anthem

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


has lost faith in people
ideas, promises, truth
it's funny that such a state
and over sized nails could make you realize
how far away you want to be from other people
revel in silence, and get away from
this fucking place.

Lyrics that I <3 part I

Wait, they don't love you like I love you.

I'm holding out for that teenage feeling.

I could never go with you no matter how I wanted to.

On this mountain's the only place I can see clearly.

If anything could ever feel this real forever, if anything could ever be this good again.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ireland Haiku

Really Cheesy Haiku coming at you:

emerald moss on trees
hidden valley of two lakes
exudes peace and love